when a field is left fallow, that means it’s left unsown. it’s dormant; idle; resting. some equate “fallow” with “emptiness” or “uselessness” — but in truth, fallow land helps to rehabilitate its surrounding environment and ecosystems; its restfulness contributes to the greater good. when something’s left fallow, it’s allowed to rebuild and regenerate… it’s given the space to be wild.


who is fallow fern?

i’m a community herbalist based in (so-called) logan square, chicago. i believe in combining spiritual plant guidance with scientific medicinal insights to create individualized healing plans (i.e., i believe in plants and “modern” medicine).

i started my herbal journey studying the wise woman tradition in the american midwest. since then, i graduated from 7Song’s intensive community herbalism program; apprenticed with wild carrot herbs in portland, me; completed 10 months of one-on-one study with reciprocal roots; and i currenly apprentice with the urban grower’s collective herbalism apprenticeship, led by kim crutcher. i’m a 200-hour registered yoga teacher, level 2 reiki practitioner, and level 1 bath master in sauna ceremony. prior to practicing herbalism, i spent 10+ years in corporate america.

some folks call me fern. some folks call me krisi. you can call me either.