i am but a single herbalist whose products business is a small part of what i do - so, i sell the old fashioned way. send me an email with a list of all the products you’d like. more likely than not, if you purchase multiple items i can cut you a deal.

exact packaging may vary.

  • seaberry liqueur, $28


    a tasty liqueur made with wildcrafted seaberries. try it over ice, in champagne, or with with your favorite spirit. must be 21+ to purchase. 16oz.

  • elderberry tonic, $13

    an elderberry tonic made with clove, cinnamon, ginger, and wilcrafted elderberries. contains raw and organic honey as well as organic apple cider vinegar. 8oz.

  • oxymel, $11

    oxymel is a tonic of apple cider vinegar and organic honey. use in cocktails, with soda water, in salad dressings, in cooking, or take as a shot for a burst of energy. 2oz.

    available in 4 flavors: autumn olive, sumac, seaberry, and elecampane.