i am but a single herbalist whose products business is a small part of what i do - so, i sell the old fashioned way. send me an email with a list of all the products you’d like. more likely than not, if you purchase multiple items i can cut you a deal.
exact packaging may vary.
violet lavender lotion, $13
a thick & moisturizing lotion for body & face with a slight lavender scent. this is a thicker and heavier lotion for optimum moisturizing.
made with organic beeswax, lavender-infused olive oil, vodka infused with wildcrafted violets, organic vegetable glycerin, and lavender essential oil.
pain away salve, $10
a topical salve to ease bodily pains. good for muscle aches, sprains, straings, and bruising. 4 oz jar.
made with organic beeswax and olive oil infused with wildcrafted arnica.
lip balm, $3
available variants: lemon balm, yarrow, calendula, st. john’s wort, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemongrass, tea tree, or any combination thereof. .5 oz tin.
made with organic beeswax.
eucalyptus peppermint lotion, $13
a thick & moistening lotion for body & face with a eucalyptus peppermint scent. this is a thicker & heavier lotion for optimum moisturizing. 4oz.
made with organic beeswax, peppermint-infused olive oil, vodka, organic vegetable glycerin, and eucalyptus essential oil.
calendula oil, $8
a jojoba-based oil for topical use to deeply moisturize skin. 2oz
made with organic jojoba oil infused with wildcrafted calendula flowers.