i am but a single herbalist whose products business is a small part of what i do - so, i sell the old fashioned way. send me an email with a list of all the products you’d like. more likely than not, if you purchase multiple items i can cut you a deal.

exact packaging may vary.

  • outta the dumps, $13

    an antidepressant blend of wildcrafted st. john’s wort and motherwort. 2oz

    PLEASE NOTE: please consult with a doctor before consuming any new herbal medicines (especially st. john’s wort, which is contraindicated with many common medications)

  • her royal highness, $17

    a thc blend of ethanol infused with homegrown cannabis, mixed with decarbed and powdered cannabis flower blended into organic glycerin. 2oz.

    PLEASE NOTE: please consult with a doctor before consuming any new herbal medicines

  • suppress the stress, $13

    a formula specifially intended to help relieve stress and anxiety. made with wildcrafted blue vervain, tulsi, and lemon balm. 2oz.

    PLEASE NOTE: please consult with a doctor before consuming any new herbal medicines

  • deep in sleep, $13

    a blend to help ease you into slumber. made with valerian root tincture and wildcrafted chamomile blended into organic glycerin. 2oz.

    PLEASE NOTE: please consult with a doctor before consuming any new herbal medicines

  • head ease, $13

    a blend to help relieve headaches. made with wildcrafted willow and feverfew tinctures. 2oz.

    PLEASE NOTE: please consult with a doctor before consuming any new herbal medicines